Student-Centered Policy Change


Student-Centered Policy Change

Policies to increase access to financial aid

The California Student Aid Commission (Commission) remains committed to promoting educational equity by making postsecondary education affordable for all Californians. The Commission sponsors and supports policies that remove barriers, simplifies, and expands access to financial aid. The Commission believes that by ensuring all students have equal access to financial aid, students and families can work toward a more promising future.

Resources: 2024

Streamlining Financial Aid Emergency Extensions for Institutions

AB 2500 Graphic

The California Student Aid Commission (Commission) is proud to sponsor Assembly Bill 2500 by Assemblymember Mike Fong. AB 2500 amends existing statute that allows an extension to the financial aid application deadline in the event of an emergency. AB 2500 streamlines how extensions are granted and gives institutions additional time to submit extension requests. This bill improves upon the current process to increase student access to financial aid.

To learn more about AB 2500 and help support, read our fact sheets below and share these graphics on social media!

AB 2500 Fact Sheet

Resources 2023

Previous sponsored legislation
AB 1400: Financial Aid for California Transfer Students at Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)

The California Student Aid Commission (Commission) is proud to sponsor Assembly Bill 1400 by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan. AB 1400 refocuses the use of funds generated by the College Access Tax Credit from Cal Grant B recipients to only California Community College transfer students attending HBCUs that have a transfer agreement with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and indicate their intent to return to California. For more information, click here.

To learn more about AB 1400 and help support, read our fact sheets below and share these graphics on social media!

AB 1400 Fact Sheet - Commission

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AB 1540: Streamlining Financial Aid for Undocumented Students

Following the release of the Renewing the Dream report on how to expand access to financial aid for undocumented students, the California Student Aid Commission (Commission) partnered with Assembly Higher Education Committee Chair Mike Fong to introduce Assembly Bill AB 1540. AB 1540 simplifies how California Dream Act applicants access financial aid by removing extra steps that make it difficult for undocumented students to receive their awards. This bill would lead to the integration of the California Dream Act Application and the AB 540 Affidavit, allowing students to submit one application.  To access the CADAA, click here.

To learn more about AB 1540 and help support, read our fact sheets below and share these graphics on social media!


AB 1540 Fact Sheet

NBC News: California’s steps to make college more affordable for undocumented students are not reaching most of them

CalMatters Commentary: How California can simplify the financial aid process for undocumented students

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