California License Exam Certification


This certification can now be completed online! Receive confirmation immediately. A PDF copy of the completed certification will be emailed to you for your records.

Complete the California License Exam Certification online at the CSAC Forms Web Portal

California Education Code Section 69432.7(I)(2)(A) requires that institutions must provide an access point for prospective and current students to view the institution’s license examination passage rates. Passage rates that are provided must be for the most recent available year and for graduates of its undergraduate programs, leading to employment for which passage of a California licensing examination is required (if that data is electronically available through the website of the licensing agency).

California Education Code Section 694327(I)(2)(B) requires an institution to certify to the California Student Aid Commission (Commission) that it is in compliance with these requirements. To certify, please complete this form and submit it to the Commission below.

The California License Exam Certification is submitted annually for each upcoming academic year.